Wilner & Robbins
:: Quarter-life Crisis
"The day that everything in your life is settled and you've learned everything about you there is to learn is the day that your body has decided to call it quits and your mind doesn't think that's such a bad idea."
" 'What do you want people in your life to be saying about you when you're 80?' I had to look beyond my immediate confusion and focus on my future ...
My résumé will not by my eulogy. My friends and family will be speaking about what I meant to them."
The twenties are a time of conflicting self-image - an image compounded by twentysomethings' competing desires to look backward and move forward at the same time.
"The way I approach these questions is essentially to treat all of life like an open-book essay exam. The answers are never clear-cut and you don't get your grade back for an eternity - when you do, the comments are often cryptic anyway - yet you have plenty of places to turn for assistance."